Jen and Mikey are a married couple of actors who currently reside in Washington, DC. They met at the DC Fringe Festival in 2011 while performing in two separate small scale musicals. They have been together ever since sharing their love for all things musical theater!
Jen is an avid admirer and collector of various vintage items so they bought and restored a 1965 Magnavox console and started frequenting record shops. Naturally, they gravitated towards musicals and more often then not they stumbled upon original cast albums of shows they had never heard of. They would bring their gems home and Mikey, who loves to research, would fall down the rabbit hole of each show. Friends would come sift through the collection and would be amazed at the array of unknown titles. Many nights were, and are, spent popping on a record and discussing the trivia Mikey and, in turn, Jen learned about the buried treasure.
And that is how Buried Broadway was born!